Within the Strategic Dashboard, each page on the dashboard can be set to be available publicly, or set to private. By default, when a new dashboard is created and a page is enabled, it is set to private. When you are ready to make a dashboard’s Indicator page public and link it to a website, click the links below for step-by-step instructions to make your Indicators page public and copy the Indicators page’s public dashboard link.
Note: If an Indicators page is enabled but not made public, it will not display on the public dashboard but will still be visible when viewing the dashboard in https://ecriss.ecragroup.com.
How to make dashboard pages public or private
Click here to learn how to make specific dashboards and/or specific dashboard pages public.
How to copy a public dashboard link
Issues making an Indicators page public or copying an Indicators page’s public dashboard link?
If you experience issues making an Indicators page public or copying an Indicators page’s public dashboard link, contact questions@ecragroup.com or submit a ticket for support.