Please find this list of sample strategic indicator tiles as a starting point and ideas for your Indicators Page on the Strategic Dashboard.
Remote Learning
- Additional District Provided Devices: number of devices issued to students since March 2020
- Attendance: percentage of students attending daily remote learning
- Engaged Students: percentage of students engaged in daily remote learning
- Instructional Time: number of remote learning hours per student
- Meal Distribution: number of meals distributed each week
- Mobile Hotspots: number of mobile hotspots distributed to students
- Parent Survey: percentage satisfied with continuation of education through remote learning
- School Communication: daily and weekly messages sent to students and families
- Social Emotional Wellness: district webpage provided resources and activities for families
- Summer Learning Opportunities: academic sessions offered to students
- Technical Support: virtual assistance made available to students and staff
- Virtual Meetings: number of staff and classroom meetings
- Test Positivity State Metrics: Test positivity for region or state
- Test Positivity County Metrics: 7 Day average test positivity
- Weekly New Case Rate per 100,000 people: Calculated as a rate = [County case count for 7 days]/[County population]x100,000
- Coverage Availability: Availability of substitutes and/or coverage for staff sent home exhibiting COVID like symptoms
- District Positive Known Cases: number of district staff and students who were physically present in a district building testing positive for COVID
- PPE Availability for In-Person Learning: amount of PPE equipment available for staff to meet CDC guidelines
Student Success
- Advanced Placement Coursework: percentage of graduating class passing AP coursework
- Algebra I 8th Grade Enrollment: Number of students enrolled in 8th Grade Algebra I
- Algebra I Completion: grade 8 students successfully completing Algebra I
- Career Development Experience: percentage of juniors/seniors with Career Development Experience
- Co-Curricular Involvement: percentage of students who participate in extracurricular activities
- College Credit Hours Earned: Credit Hours earned in previous school year via AP or Dual Credit
- College Enrollment: percentage of students who enroll in college
- College Preparation: AP exams earning a 3, 4 or 5
- Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM): percentage of students meeting or exceeding proficiency
- English Language Arts: percentage of students meeting state standards
- English Language Proficiency: number of students meeting or exceeding WIDA Consortium (ACCESS) proficiency or percentage of students proficient within 5 years of English Learner identification
- Freshmen On-Track: percentage of grade 9 students on track to graduate
- Grade 3 Reading: percentage of third grade students reading at or above grade level
- Grade 5 Math: percentage of fifth grade students meeting or exceeding expectations in mathematics
- Grade 12 College and Career Readiness: percentage of graduating students who are college and career ready
- Graduation Rate: percentage of students who graduate high school in four years or less
- Honors Courses: percentage of students enrolled
- Kindergarten Readiness: percentage of kindergarteners assessed for readiness
- Mathematics: percentage of students meeting state standards
- Money Saved from Dual Credit: Money saved from taking dual credit courses calculated by average local college tuition
- PSAT College Readiness: percentage of students who met the PSAT College Readiness Benchmark
- SAT College Readiness: percentage of students who met the SAT College Readiness Benchmark
- Science: percentage of students meeting state standards
Learning Environment
- Attendance Rate: average daily attendance
- Blue Ribbon Status: awarded excellence in education by the US Department of Education
- Chronic Absenteeism: percentage of students who miss 10% or more of school days per year
- Class Size: average number of students in a class
- Community Service: students meeting or exceeding XX community service hours
- Employee Workplace Perception: employee agreement the district is a great place to work
- Highly Prepared and Effective Educators: percentage of district educators who possess a high credential or degree
- Extra/Co-curricular: students participating in extra/co-curricular activities
- Parent Satisfaction: percentage of favorable survey ratings
- Physical Fitness: students meeting or exceeding fitness standards
- Pupil to Teacher Ratio: Number of students to Teachers
- Quality of Education: percentage of parents rating quality of education as good or excellent
- Satisfaction with Staff PD Sessions: favorable survey ratings
- School Safety: stakeholder agreement that district schools are safe (survey)
- Special Education Inclusion: percent of student participating in general education classroom (greater than 80%)
- Sports Participation: percentage of student participating in athletics
- Staff Satisfaction: percentage of favorable survey ratings
- Student Relationships: students reporting positive relationships with classmates (survey)
- Student Satisfaction: percentage favorable survey ratings
- Student Staff Ratio: average number of students per teacher
- Student Engagement: students reporting school engagement
- Teacher Advanced Degrees: percentage of teachers with advanced degrees
- Teacher Retention Rate: percentage of teachers returning to work for more than 3-year years or more