ECRA Strategic Dashboard Update

Announcing Updates to ECRA’s Industry Leading Strategic Dashboard Created Exclusively for School DistrictsLaunching July 2023Sharing your district’s data and analytics never looked this good. It is with great excitement that we will begin rolling out an updated version of our Strategic Dashboard in July 2023. Design and Layout Updates Additional Editing Features Robust Templating Options…


The Importance of Goal Setting in Education: Driving School Improvement through Data and Analytics

As a school district administrator, you understand the critical role that goal setting plays in shaping the success and achievements of students. In today’s data-driven educational landscape, goal setting can be enhanced by leveraging the power of data and analytics. By utilizing data-driven approaches to measuring student success, setting goals, and monitoring progress, school districts…


Data Science 101: What is Predictive Analytics?

As a school district leader, you are tasked with making decisions that impact student outcomes. One method of analyzing data utilizes predictive analytics. At ECRA, many of our products harness the power of predictive analytics to help school district leaders set goals, make decisions, and assess the impact of programming/interventions. In this article, we will…


The Process of Measuring Academic Return on Investment (ROI): A Guide for School Districts

Academic Return on Investment (ROI), is a valuable tool for school districts to use in evaluating the effectiveness of educational programs or interventions. Measuring ROI should be considered a crucial component to evaluating a district’s continuous school improvement efforts. The process of academic ROI uses a disciplined method of inquiry that leverages the scientific method…
