This section will help you to understand how to understand a local growth model.
Understanding the Local Growth Model
The local growth model is the term used to define student growth from a school district’s local context. Data are often compared to state or national data sets for benchmarking purposes. The local growth model is equivalent to running an individual race and comparing a district’s results to itself over time.
Projected Growth versus Actual Growth
Education is moving beyond comparing student growth rates to national or state averages, toward student growth that compares students to themselves in a personalized way.
ECRA creates local norms for your district to understand what typical growth looks like as students progress across the district. Then, analysis is done on the individual student’s longitudinal achievement history to create personalized projections for every student. When new testing data are received, ECRA measures the difference between the projected score and the actual score and generates an effect size for academic growth (see below)