As we strive to provide the best customer service for our clients, ECRA is pleased to announce that we have scheduled User Group Sessions for the 2023-2024 school year. These sessions cover a variety of topics and all our products and services.
How do I attend a User Group Session?
User Group Sessions are provided virtually and available to all current ECRA clients. Each session is approximately 1 hour with a 30 minute presentation followed by an optional 30 minute Q&A. Registration is required to attend the User Group Sessions.
When are the User Group Sessions?
All current clients are automatically added to our email distribution list and will be notified of the sessions available each month. Additionally, all User Group Sessions can be viewed and registered for on this page.
What topics are covered?
User Group Sessions will cover all of ECRA’s products including School Improvement, Strategic Dashboard, and Personalized Learner Profile. Additionally, we’ll discuss solutions such as our State Report Card Analysis reports and Academic Return on Investment (ROI).
These sessions are intended to provide tips and strategies for school district leaders. They are not “how-to” sessions that provide training on the application itself. The User Group Sessions are designed as professional learning opportunities for school leaders and will help you better evaluate your district data and how it connects to our solutions.
The User Group Sessions are hosted by leading experts in the field of school district data and analytics. Not only will you learn from an expert, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and learn from other school districts using our products through the discussion during Q&A.