Personalized Learner Profile
Monitor students against national, state, and local readiness indicators.
Measure what matters.
The PLP monitors key performance indicators (KPI) for each student, ensuring you stay focused on the most important readiness indicators.

“District 23 has worked diligently to create alignment between our Strategic Plan, Goal Setting and Action planning, Program evaluation, and Reporting to faculty and parents. The ECRA tools have been tremendously helpful in streamlining the process and distilling the overwhelming and complex data into manageable and understandable indicators. The Personalized Learner Profile is a comprehensive tool that articulates our District Vision in meaningful data points that support the partnership between home and school.”
Dr. Don Angelaccio – Superintendent, Prospect Heights SD23
The Process
With ECRA’s PLP, the process is as easy as 1,2,3!

1. Load source data into the PLP
Once you have identified important source data, simply upload it or schedule your uploads by following simple to use templates and upload tools. Some examples include, but are not limited to Assessments, Coursework, GPA, Attendance, SEL, and more.

2. Define student success KPIs and Pathways
The PLP offers a simple interface to define KPIs and benchmarks. KPIs are grouped into pathways that operationalize a multiple criteria approach to demonstrating success. For example:
- GPA of 2.8 or higher, and at least two of the following
- Attendance rate of 95% or greater
- Successful completion of Algebra I
- Math SAT Score of 540 Reading SAT Score of 480
- Successful completion of an AP, IB, or dual credit course
KPIs and pathways can be defined in any number of ways to ensure visibility of student success against multiple pathways and criteria.

3. Monitor results at the student and aggregate level
Once KPIs and pathways have been established, simply apply them to see results at the student and aggregate level. Individual profiles clearly show which indicators a student has met within a defined pathway. View summary results and disaggregate data by any variables of interest.
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(847) 318-0072