Wisconsin Report Card Analysis

Extract positive messages through a more accurate analysis of state report card data, all in two turn-key and easy to understand PDFs for board and community reporting.


State Percentile Analysis

The Wisconsin Percentile Analysis from ECRA, is a comprehensive report based on your state report card information that allows your district to benchmark results to the overall state percentile for each category. This allows your district to tell a more accurate and compelling story of your district’s results, and give context to your district’s data.


Comparative District Analysis

The Wisconsin Comparative District Analysis from ECRA allows your district to benchmark its state report card results against up to 9 other school districts. To gain a better local context, your district may select any district in the State of Wisconsin to get a detailed analysis of your results as measured against peer districts.

Why use these reports?

To tell a more accurate story of your school district

Simply reporting percentages from the Wisconsin report card does not give the full picture of student achievement. Metrics reported on the Wisconsin report card need to be put in context so that the board and community have a more complete picture of how the district is performing. ECRA’s Wisconsin Report Card Analysis converts raw report card metrics to percentiles that are easier to communicate, easier to understand, more accurate, and more contextualized.

To answer important questions

Percentiles can be used to compare performance across indicators and over time to answer important questions such as:

  • How well is the district recovering from the pandemic?
  • What is the relationship between district spending and student achievement?
  • How have our demographics shifted?
  • How has our learning environment evolved?

To save time

Analyzing data on the Wisconsin Report Card takes significant time and energy, even for the most productive data scientist. Let the experts at ECRA provide a simple to understand analysis that can be immediately shared with the board and community by a trusted third party.

What format are the reports delivered?

The report(s), custom created for your district, will be delivered as a PDF file. Each PDF has editable sections so that you may customize and save with the explanations your board and community needs.

Subscription Cost: $2,500.00 (per report)