
Data Briefs

Each Data Brief provides executive level analysis of important data sets in a compact PDF format for district websites, board packets, and leadership meetings.

Data warehouses and analytics software don’t always meet the needs of school district administrators to produce rigorous analysis of student and district data for governance and executive oversight. ECRA’s suite of Data Briefs fill this gap by providing school leaders rigorous analysis of existing data sets in a format that is easy to share, communicate, and understand.

State Percentile Analysis

Part of our State Report Card Analysis package – Extract and communicate more positive messages through a contextualized analysis of state report card data.

  • Turn around time: 1 business day
  • Required data sets: None
  • States Available: IL, NJ, OH, TX, WA, WI
  • Cost: $2,500

Comparative District Analysis

Part of our State Report Card Analysis package – Compare district performance on a wide range of system outcomes to up to 9 peer districts.

  • Turn around time: 1 business day
  • Required data sets: List of peer districts
  • States Available: IL, NJ, OH, TX, WA, WI
  • Cost: $2,500

Goal Setting for School Improvement

Systematize rigorous but attainable goals across the district for all building, grades, subjects, student groups, and more.

  • Turn around time: 10 business days
  • Required data sets: Enrollment, Assessment Results
  • States Available: All
  • Cost*: $5,000 + $1/student

    This data brief is included at no charge with School Improvement subscription.

Academic Student Growth

Monitor academic growth rates and effect sizes against local growth expectations for buildings, grade levels, subjects, student groups, programs, and more.

  • Turn around time: 10 business days
  • Required data sets: Enrollment, Student Groups, and Assessment Results
  • States Available: All
  • Cost*: $5,000 + $1/student

    This data brief is included at no charge with School Improvement subscription.

ACCESS/WIDA for English Learners

Monitor English language acquisition growth rates and evaluate the effectiveness of ELL programming.

  • Turn around time: 10 business days
  • Required data sets: ACCESS/WIDA Assessment results
  • States Available: All
  • Cost: $2,500 + $1/student

Academic Return on Investment (A-ROI)

Link program and school improvement expenditures to academic growth and quantify the impact that resources allocations are having on student outcomes.

  • Turn around time: 10 business days
  • Required data sets: Program details, Enrollment, and Assessment Results
  • States Available: All
  • Cost: $5,000 + $1,000/program

What format is each report delivered?

Each report, custom created for your district, will be delivered to you as a PDF file. In some cases, the PDF has editable sections so that your district may customize and save with the explanations your board and community needs.

Data Brief Samples

ECRA’s Data Briefs were created by the nation’s leading data and analytics experts in the field of public eduction. Rest assured, your district is getting the information it needs to communicate results, evaluate effectiveness, and inform decisions.

Fill out the adjacent form to receive an email containing links to download each of ECRA’s expanding library of Data Briefs.