Home Page
- Updated homepage editor
- Subtle visual enhancements to the design and layout
- Updated the responsive nature of the page to work seamlessly across all devices and screen sizes
Indicator Page
- Updates to Indicator Page editor
- Drag and drop organization for Indicator Groups and Icons
- Ability to easily duplicate indicators and whole groups of Indicators, including charts and graphs!
- Subtle visual enhancements to the design and layout
- Updated the responsive nature of the page to work seamlessly across all devices and screen sizes
- Addition of ‘View Data’ button to provide visual cue that charts or graphs can be viewed on click
- The information icon ‘i’ only shows if information has been added to the indicator
- Charts and graphs within Indicator Tiles
- The charts and graphs sub-page has updated styles and has been updated to work more seamlessly across all devices and screen sizes
- The selection of charts within indicators is more intuitive, and was moved to the top of the page so that there is more room to display important district information.
- Charts and graphs may be easily reordered and reorganized with the new drag and drop feature.
- We have replaced action icons with more descriptive text to inform users as to what action is taking place. Examples include downloading data, and saving a PDF of the page.
Strategy Page
- Updates to the Strategy Page editor
- Drag and drop organization throughout the Strategy page
- Ability to easily completely duplicate Goals, Objectives, and Strategies
- Visual enhancements to improve user experience
- Updated the responsive nature of the page to work seamlessly across all devices and screen sizes
- Ability to drag and drop files within the Strategies to demonstrate and mark progress with evidence.
- The ‘View Details’ popup has been updated to more clearly display the information.
App Wide Updates
- Subtle visual enhancements to the design and layout
- Updated the responsive nature of the page to work seamlessly across all devices and screen sizes
- Updated header design to be more subtle and blend with district branding better
- Updated menu bar to include drop-down menu to select other dashboards if multiple dashboards are used
- Removed ‘Strategic Dashboard’ branding from header and provided district with opportunity to customize the name of the entire Strategic Dashboard and customize the names of the individual dashboards that populate the dashboard
- Updated Admin menu and design for app administrators
Site Admin – App Settings
- Visual enhancements to improve user experience
- Ability to Export information from any page to a PDF for reporting purposes is clearly labeled at the top of the page and easy to navigate.
- The ability to Download page data throughout the application is clearly labeled at the top of the page.
- Multiple Dashboards
- The ability to Drag and drop organization of multiple dashboards
- The ability to easily rename dashboards, including the district name that displays along the top banner throughout the Dashboard.
- The ability to copy a dashboard as a template, download/save that dashboard template, and import/upload that template to a new dashboard. This will make creating new dashboards with all of the charts and graphs associated with district and school improvement efforts quick and seamless.
- For example, users may create a school dashboard aligned to the district dashboard. Once one school dashboard is created to perfection, users may simply copy a template of that dashboard, create a new dashboard for another school in the district, and import the template into the new school dashboard. Then, all the user will have to do is update the unique information for the new school dashboard without having to create all of the groups, indicators and strategies from scratch.
- The ability to upload more header images.
- Updated Google Analytics and tracking.
- More descriptive actions in the editor so that users intuitively understand how to copy links to pages, download/upload templates, and duplicate dashboards.