Personalized Learner Profile
ECRA Analytics - Personalized Learner Profile

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and other national initiatives are expanding the definition of college and career readiness and calling for local school systems to craft a broader and more inspiring definition for student success. Measuring student success requires moving beyond standardized test scores toward a multi-dimensional and personalized set of indicators that accurately predict secondary and post-secondary success. The Personalized Learner Profile paints a portrait of a student against a backdrop of a student’s interests, motivations, goals and aspirations.


Your Students

Their Profile

personalized learner profile

Custom Pathways

Dr. Jeffrey W. Hill – Superintendent Morton Unit School District 709

“The Personalized Learner Profile (PLP) encourages our district to focus on the whole child and helps us track college and career readiness indicators. We have created a vision for student success that aligns to our District values and priorities. The PLP App allows us to illustrate the multi-dimensional indicators of student success, particularly illustrating student preparation for college and careers. We look forward to engaging students in building their individual profiles as well.”

Dr. Don Angelaccio – Superintendent Prospect Heights SD23

“District 23 has worked diligently to create alignment between our Strategic Plan, Goal Setting and Action planning, Program evaluation, and Reporting to faculty and parents. The ECRA tools have been tremendously helpful in streamlining the process and distilling the overwhelming and complex data into manageable and understandable indicators. The Personalized Learner Profile is a comprehensive tool that articulates our District Vision in meaningful data points that support the partnership between home and school.”

Use Cases

Data warehousing
Personalized learning and career pathways
College and career readiness monitoring
Course and program placement
Student guidance and counseling


Multi-measure index of college and career readiness
Coursework and Grades
Extracurricular Involvement
Competencies on Standards

Intended Audience


Case Studies