As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, educators overnight were forced to pivot their instructional programs to support remote online learning as the world began mitigating the spread of Covid-19. Educational communities came together to accelerate innovation to provide continuity of learning and to ensure all students continue to thrive. Now, as a new school year begins, a vital question remains:

“How much learning loss has occurred,

and how do we ensure students recover?”

Documenting learning loss is important as the effects of school closures on learning loss are likely differential and asymmetric, resulting in large losses for some students, and negligible or negative losses for other students. Understanding learning loss requires that districts personalize the measurement of student growth by creating separate learning trajectory models for each and every student within their district.

If educators are to effectively implement growth recovery plans for students, it is paramount that school leaders, teachers, parents and students understand to what degree the pandemic has impacted the personalized growth trajectory for each and every student. The following framework provides school leaders actionable data to help target groups of students as they formulate growth recovery plans within their district.

Actionable Thresholds

The ability to measure learning loss and monitor growth recovery against personalized benchmarks allows students, teachers, and parents to meaningfully collaborate when developing growth recovery plans in order to match students to interventions, programs, and experiences that recover learning losses.

Measuring and Recovering Learning Loss

ECRA Group is an approved IL-Empower professional learning partner. Should you have any questions regarding how ECRA Group can assist your school or district through the IL-Empower network, please email: